"...this time it's not about staying alive it's about being alive..." - man vs. wild, discovery channel

Monday, April 19, 2010

NORTH to Alaska

so if my paper work goes through I'm on my way back to Alaska again this summer... (In a few weeks... YIKES)  I will be doing back country research on invasive weeds for Denali National Park. My last day of work in Utah is May 7th and I have to be at the park on the 26th so that doesn't give me much time to prepare.  I can't even make up my mind which bike to bring, they both need the same amount of general maintenance.  In the end I guess to be safe I will end up taking the one I rode last year cause I know it will make it.  But this one my newer (it's older and used) dirt bike is SO much fun... AHHHH  

Canyon Evans

Monday, April 12, 2010

really? no way...

so all those who are interested and have heard me talk about my brothers this is a rare picture taken over the weekend... all five of us together in the same location no digital editing required...
the order and number is as follows from right to left...
Jackson (4), Sky (2), Canyon (5), Sage (1), Jordan (3)... so yeah 

Monday, April 5, 2010


I don't like you, go away...

you're 3 months late BTW...
Canyon Evans

Thursday, April 1, 2010

ice storms... (and KAOS)

first off christmas or april fools???

so I'm kinda scared of ice, considering I ride a motorcycle I think that is understandable... well I've always wondered what happens in an ice storm and how everything survives... (society and traffic mostly) well today I had a SMALL piece of what probably happens... The U is on the side of the foothills and the hospital is literally in some cases built into the side of the mountain. SO my route (I drive a bus for the campus) goes right along parts of this area... the lower part of campus wasn't bad but the higher part was insane. Pre morning rush hour was causing huge problems and making things miserable and chaotic... part of the route basically turns into a parking lot (literally, cars parking of both sides of the road). with all the traffic and the right conditions the snow/slush turned to ice... and then I came along... someone rear ended someone a couple hundred feet in front of me and so I started to stop (I was already barely crawling) and all I did was start to slide in the direction of the elevation drop which was into the parked cars. Somehow (by skill or luck) I stopped short of making a bad day miserable...

so I am stuck on a sheet of ice and cant move or else I will be screwed... so I wait for my supervisor to get me out of the mess... :) so can things get any worse? why do you even have to questions... about 10 mins later things are stepped up to the next level...

yup thats right a garbage truck meets the same fate as me only now all traffic is completely blocked off... did I mention it was morning rush hour? (well just before) so amazingly he didn't hit anything either and so we're stuck. a few more minutes pass and as cars get the picture they are turning around in a very organized fashion (surprising considering Utah drivers...) and finally who shows up but the snow plows (two to be exact...) well throw a bunch of salt into the picture and now in a matter of minutes my supervisor effortlessly drives my bus out of the mess and all is but a memory... but I had a small taste of an ice storm and I didn't like it very much... so note to self ice and weight don't matter...

anyway I ended the day with a smile cause this made me laugh...