"...this time it's not about staying alive it's about being alive..." - man vs. wild, discovery channel

Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 motto for my life...

Bear Grylls is back in action, with more adventure then Caruso and more wild then the blue yonder, where's he going? doesn't matter, new places, somewhere on the map between danger and fun, where guts meet glory, this time its not about staying alive it's about being alive, so carry on bear, carry on...
- Man vs. Wild Discovery Channel 2010

Thursday, December 17, 2009

storage... :(

so it looks like I am done for the year... not the season or winter just the year... my grand total mileage is only 13,325 I have the before pic to prove it but I have to find it... so yeah... sniffle sniffle

Monday, December 14, 2009


so yeah this is what santa gave me... (he had to give it to me early cause I'm going back east for the holidays...)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

blue redbox???

this is not cool, another reason walmart has too much power.... if it
can make redbox go blue... BOOOO to you walmart...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


so yeah, I came across this picture somewhere...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

red bull gives you wings

so I was driving in a circle all day long in my own little world and out of nowhere this happened, it made me laugh and made my day...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

HOME !!!

well I am ALIVE and I am back in SLC !  so for now that is it... till later...

Saturday, July 11, 2009


sorry I didn't want to stop and text/call people before I got into Canadia so this will do I am going to Skagway, AK in a couple hours but had to find out how much money I have left... so we'll see what happens... anyway yeah

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

hype and disappointment

this about sums up my last week I slept on the line of the arctic circle! then road a few hundred miles (all dirt) to deadhorse (I dont have time to put up another map but it's almost on the north coast) it took me 11+ hours.

this is the back of the sign

I slept on the observation deck in the back ground behind the sign

it goes on FOREVER... well from the north coast to the south coast of AK

I MADE IT... I look a lot happier then I really was, the temperature dropped down to 34 in a matter of hours this was taken at about 9pm by the post master, the general store, NAPA parts store, and the post office were all in the same building...

so after all the hype of me talking about jumping into the arctic the disappointment is that they only allowed you to go up to your knees... but whatever I was in the arctic... more on all this later the library is closing...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


so it's late and I'm tired so this will be quick but I have arrived at my friends house in Fairbanks so I should have more time soon... I'm going to bed, it's bright at day and it's 11:45... (PM)

anyway this is the border xing outside of Dawson City, YK on the "Top of the World Hwy" and I think it was pretty amazing...
haha ??? nice bear...

so this isn't in order infact it's opposite but yeah just getting into CA... (Canada)

This was my first morning eating breakfast on the Idaho/Montana boarder... (yes it's kinda posed... owell)

Friday, June 26, 2009


so im actually like 3 days into this now and I find myself in Hinton, Alberta... so I have a lot to say and I will get a few pictures up ASAP.... but in case I don't there is now this post saying I will and letting whoever reads it know I'm alive...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


right now I wish I was there... :) owell soon enough... I also am reading an awesome book called "Ghost Rider" by Neil Perart the drummer of the Canadian band RUSH. So I am getting a lot of ideas and becoming more anxious... but yeah about 20 days and I'm off... Sooo much to do but I feel comfortable enough that I could leave tomorrow. (except the one small detail of my tire being flat...)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

improvements, or NOT...

DOH, so it snowed but it's fun to watch the progress or lack there of... anyway a lot can happen in a month plus a week or so when I'm at this point...
plus theres signs of human life (other then the chain link fence)...

Monday, May 4, 2009

improvements ?

so this is 7 days later, it does look better the road looks dry, and I am ignoring the ice on the fence... I could ride this. I have now decided I will leave June 10ish and head North (duh) and I will come back along the coast so it is DECIDED !

Monday, April 27, 2009

26 days later...

Right on, this is much better though it is still border line freezing during the day it is progress... even though I like mud, 400 miles of it could get old... so hopefully things will keep improving... !


Sunday, April 12, 2009

a discovery

UMMM yeah, is this even on the planet earth??? I'm excited but hmmm I'm gonna need different tires... (ok I'm not that crazy) gesh...
this is from the Sag River Web Cam at the WERC - North Slope Hydrology Research Project I assume that is the road I will be on... anyway a lot can happen between now and when I get there... ;)


Sunday, April 5, 2009

the last few weeks...

some long awaited pictures, this all happened over the last 3 weeks, I changed my spark plugs first then put on the new decals...! and then got the new cases on...! so that sums it up to this point... I'll have more detail later.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


ha so I can send an email to my blog and it will post automatically... this could be useful...


right so this is basically the route I don't know which way I'd go first I might have to take a ferry into Anchorage depending when I end up leaving... anyway I have a friend that just moved to SanFran so thats the reason behind the coast... plus that'd be a sweet ride... over all I will basically avoid all types of freeway...

View Larger Map

to the Artic...

right on, instead of finishing my paper for my one class I started this blog and am writing the first post... this map is pretty much KEY for my entire trip, AK isn't hard to get around since it is a triangle... but this has all the details I need for the fun part !!! anyway everybody look and be jealous... I'm going to order my panniers ("saddlebags") soon !!! I figure I can afford them since I don't get to have fun during spring break next week... but I will make a lot of extra money and maybe catch up on some of my school work...

I got the map off the Alaska BLM site @ http://www.blm.gov/ak/st/en/prog/recreation/dalton_hwy/dalton_maps.html