"...this time it's not about staying alive it's about being alive..." - man vs. wild, discovery channel

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

HOME !!!

well I am ALIVE and I am back in SLC !  so for now that is it... till later...

Saturday, July 11, 2009


sorry I didn't want to stop and text/call people before I got into Canadia so this will do I am going to Skagway, AK in a couple hours but had to find out how much money I have left... so we'll see what happens... anyway yeah

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

hype and disappointment

this about sums up my last week I slept on the line of the arctic circle! then road a few hundred miles (all dirt) to deadhorse (I dont have time to put up another map but it's almost on the north coast) it took me 11+ hours.

this is the back of the sign

I slept on the observation deck in the back ground behind the sign

it goes on FOREVER... well from the north coast to the south coast of AK

I MADE IT... I look a lot happier then I really was, the temperature dropped down to 34 in a matter of hours this was taken at about 9pm by the post master, the general store, NAPA parts store, and the post office were all in the same building...

so after all the hype of me talking about jumping into the arctic the disappointment is that they only allowed you to go up to your knees... but whatever I was in the arctic... more on all this later the library is closing...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


so it's late and I'm tired so this will be quick but I have arrived at my friends house in Fairbanks so I should have more time soon... I'm going to bed, it's bright at day and it's 11:45... (PM)

anyway this is the border xing outside of Dawson City, YK on the "Top of the World Hwy" and I think it was pretty amazing...
haha ??? nice bear...

so this isn't in order infact it's opposite but yeah just getting into CA... (Canada)

This was my first morning eating breakfast on the Idaho/Montana boarder... (yes it's kinda posed... owell)