"...this time it's not about staying alive it's about being alive..." - man vs. wild, discovery channel

Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 motto for my life...

Bear Grylls is back in action, with more adventure then Caruso and more wild then the blue yonder, where's he going? doesn't matter, new places, somewhere on the map between danger and fun, where guts meet glory, this time its not about staying alive it's about being alive, so carry on bear, carry on...
- Man vs. Wild Discovery Channel 2010

Thursday, December 17, 2009

storage... :(

so it looks like I am done for the year... not the season or winter just the year... my grand total mileage is only 13,325 I have the before pic to prove it but I have to find it... so yeah... sniffle sniffle

Monday, December 14, 2009


so yeah this is what santa gave me... (he had to give it to me early cause I'm going back east for the holidays...)